April Projects
April Projects
Halfway through May, and I'm just now getting to my April Project blog!! April was a busy month, and May was even crazier! I finished the 1810 Regency Stays and Chemise. Yay! And started the gown. Meanwhile, I had been working on a knitted sweater that I had started at the end of March. Since it was my first big knitting project, I selected an easier pattern; it's knit with a chunkier yarn on larger needles, so it goes relatively fast. The edges of the sweater are in a garter stitch, which is knitting both sides of the work, instead of knit one side, purl the back side. After the edge is worked for about 4", the stitch is changed to the stockinette stitch, which is the traditional knit / purl that is used in most knitted fabrics. The back is worked in one piece, with shaping for the armholes, shoulders, and neckline. The fronts are each worked in one piece, with that same shaping, plus one side has a buttonhole worked in. Then the two sleeves are each worked, and the collar is worked. Once finished, all of the pieces are sewn together using yarn, and a mattress stitch that is nearly invisible!
After I finished the sweater, I had empty needle syndrome. I had finished the regency underwear, and was working on the dress, but I don't like sewing late at night when the error factor increases exponentially, and so I needed a quick knitting project. I had found another sock monkey hat pattern when I was looking for a better way to work the sock monkey ears, so I pulled it out, and found some yarn in my stash. It took me about 6 hours to knit, give or take.
In addition to the knitting and sewing, I had fun with food and trying out new recipes.
(The chicks I made because they were posted to my facebook wall by not one, not two, but THREE separate people!!! I felt obligated to make them since they took the time to post them for me. And they were all right, they were exactly something I would make!) Just in case it appears my Easter dinner was all cutesy food, I did make a normal main course. Roasted lamb loin chops with a panko, pistachio and mustard crust, served over a bed of mashed sweet potatoes, and topped with a port and pomegranate molasses reduction

Roasted lamb loin chops with panko, pistachio and mustard crust with a port and pomegranete molasses reduction
I was in a bit of a cooking frenzy for Easter; I also made a few other fun recipes:
At another meal, for an Armenian dinner party, I finished off the spread with a very un-Armenian dessert, at the request of the guests - crispy bacon covered with rich dark Ghirardelli chocolate, served with fresh french-pressed coffee. Heaven.
On the 21st of April, I brought home an unexpected foster. At retirement day, she wouldn't come out of the hauler because she was so scared; and she didn't get any better during the course of the day. During small dog and cat testing, she would freeze, and would not make eye contact with anyone, not even other animals. She was a spook, a dog so frightened by anything and everything that she would just close up in herself and not interact with her surroundings. One of the challenges with spooks is not just that they won't interact, but that they are a huge flight risk; and once they escape, they are nearly impossible to catch. And so, I told the president of the group that I could foster her if she needed me to, if she didn't have another home that was experienced in dealing with dogs like this. She didn't, and so I ended up bringing the poor terrified dog home with me. The first few days were very rough; she wouldn't potty on the leash, and there was no way I was letting her loose in the yard. She wouldn't come near me, and wouldn't let me come hear her. She hid in my bedroom, and I came in every 20-30 minutes to say hi to get her used to me. We finally worked out equitable potty arrangements, and feeding arrangements. She still won't approach me, but she is beginning to adjust to her surroundings a bit. I don't normally rename my fosters, but she needed a new name to go with her new life, and so I named her Clementine.
All in all, I think April was a very successful month! : )