
Project Cyan is finally undergoing a major website redesign! Please bear with me as I get things sorted out and rearranged.  I'm excited to finally have a place to consolidate  my blogs, my costuming, my website design portfolio, and anything else I feel like putting up.  

I imported all my previous blogs from WordPress, and did quite a bit of customizing on the displays on this site, so I have to go back through the older blog entries and fix the pictures so everything looks consistent. I am sure this is going to take some time! But in the end, it's all so worth it, I love this new site and all of the new features. : ) 



Recent Posts:

After my food truck foray a few weeks ago, where I had THE best burger I'd ever had, courtesy of the Patty Wagon food truck at the Sunland / Tujunga Food truck gathering, I set my sites on trying to duplicate an amazing burger at home.

Knowing that I was going to invest a lot of time into making the Galbi Jim for the Korean BBQ tacos, I decided to plan ahead to use the leftovers.  After doing such a fusion dish, I opted to use the leftover Galbi in a traditional Korean dish, Bibimbap.

I've had the sous vide for some time now, and I use it a LOT. It's become a huge convenience for me, much in the way crock pots are for those who use them. But, for whatever reason, I've used it mainly for beef, with a vegetable or two thrown in here and there. I wanted to get more out of it. One of the most raved-about sous vide recipes is a soft poached egg. It's so easy, it's ridiculous. Heat the water, add the eggs, and set the timer. Ish.

I'm getting further and further behind in my monthly blogs! Oy!  But, the good news is that there are only 13 weeks and one day left on the capstone project, and then I will be done with my masters degree, and I will have OODLES of time to fill.  Eh, who am I kidding, I'll never have oodles of time to fill, I'll always have plenty of things to keep me busy. : )

In May, I finished the regency gown.

I love shopping online; it's fast, it's convenient, it's cheap. And I love getting stuff in the mail, even though I ordered it and paid for it and was expecting it; it's still like Christmas when I see a box in my driveway! So, I was the usual amount of excited to see a box lying in my driveway when I was waiting for a particular shipment, but this one had a secondary surprise inside. Well, maybe only for me, because I happen to like this sort of thing. I am really big into textures and colors; sometimes the right combination speaks to my soul.


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