Shannon's blog

Well, March seemed to go the same way as February... not enough time for getting a lot done.  But, I did get some stuff done! In February, I had started knitting a sock monkey. I had done several hats by then, and realized that I was dangerously close to being surrounded by stacks of hats that I will never get a chance to wear in sunny SoCal, so I started looking for something new to do.

(This appeared originally in the March Projects blog post. I pulled it out so the Monkey shows in the knitting project list.)

February was sort of a bust for projects. School is keeping me busy, and other things just kept cropping up. I did a lot of work on the FastFriends website, creating more functionality to the admin module, including adding a file upload page that I have been trying to get around to for at least two years!! I also added the FunRun section, and created all the forms for that, which sucked up a whole weekend.

I thought having a project to-do list would help keep me focused, so I organized my projects, lined them out, picked the first one for the queue, and even got the patterns and fabric ready.  But then other things came up.

And now my list is mocking me.

....means new projects!!!


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